Your temporomandibular joints attach the lower jaw to the upper jaw, working with the cartilaginous disk, ligaments, and muscles to enable your mouth to open, close, bite, chew, and talk. If you suffer inflammation in the joints or a mechanical injury, it could cause you to experience the pain and discomfort of a TMJ disorder. Knowing the common symptoms of TMJ disorder can help you determine if you need to seek treatment for the condition.
While there are multiple causes of TMJ disorder, we encourage you to be aware of the common symptoms. Many patients who suffer from a disorder in the TMJ experience aching around their ears and temples as a result of frequent tooth grinding and clenching causing chronic muscle tension.
The occurrence of joint pain when biting down could be a result of the early onset of arthritis or the buildup of inflammation in the joint. One or both temporomandibular joints may start to click when you chew, especially if your TMJ disorder is a result of arthritis or a previous jaw dislocation.
If you are experiencing symptoms of TMJ disorder and would like to receive treatment for TMJ disorder in Arlington, Washington, please call George R. Hussey, DDS, FAGD at 360.653.5197 and schedule your appointment to speak with our dentist, Dr. George R. Hussey.