Tips to Bounce Back from a Bone Graft

Bone grafting is a jawbone procedure that is performed to restore areas of lost or weakened bone structure in your jaw. If you are one of the many patients who have questions about the recovery portion of bone grafting, our team is happy to offer a few tips for a successful and speedy bone graft recovery: - You will have... read more »

The Basics: Halitosis

For help improving your health, it is important to avoid risks often associated with underlying conditions that may be present. The number one rule is that you should never neglect your oral health care. If you begin to allow plaque buildup and bacteria to collect in your mouth, eventually it will lead to several oral health risks. One particular oral... read more »

Toothpaste Options and Brushing Advice

Best practices for oral hygiene include brushing your teeth twice a day for two minutes, and flossing once daily. But what about the proper technique to brush? Too many of us assume that a tough-bristled toothbrush and lots of abrasive toothpaste to scour the plaque off our teeth are the appropriate route. Right? Wrong. In fact, it could be argued... read more »

The Common Indications of TMJ Disorder

Your temporomandibular joints attach the lower jaw to the upper jaw, working with the cartilaginous disk, ligaments, and muscles to enable your mouth to open, close, bite, chew, and talk. If you suffer inflammation in the joints or a mechanical injury, it could cause you to experience the pain and discomfort of a TMJ disorder. Knowing the common symptoms of... read more »

Tips to Avoid Tooth Sensitivity

Teeth that hurt when eating or drinking can be annoying and painful. This happens when we lose the protective enamel covering our teeth, or when the gums recede to reveal the underlying root. Once the raw tooth is exposed, hot and cold can cause pain when eating and drinking. Very sweet things also become irritants to our teeth. Even cold... read more »

Oral Health and Pregnancy

Pregnancy is a wondrous blessing, but it's not without its effects. Since we are concerned about your health and the care of your child, we've amassed this post about the impacts of pregnancy on the mouth. We are hopeful that this info helps boost your education and gives you the knowledge you need to battle the ill effects pregnancy can... read more »

Cosmetic and Restorative Dentistry Can Transform Your Smile

If you are looking to enhance the look of those pearly whites, or even want to completely transform your smile, cosmetic and restorative dentistry are the right branches of dentistry to look at. The thing about most dental treatments, however, is that they are almost always designed to improve your teeth’s functionality as well as beauty. Here are some examples:... read more »

How to Prepare Your Child’s Smile for Vacation

Are you about to take your child on vacation? If so, you need to make sure they have a strong and healthy smile. You don't want to run into any dental problems while you're sightseeing or relaxing on the beach, do you? To help you make sure your child’s smile is in top-notch condition for vacation, our dentist, Dr. George... read more »

Create an Improved Oral Health Identity with Dentures

Are you aware that dentures can be used with many forms of tooth loss, and can give you a cheerful smile that will restore your facial structure, and often times reinstate the original functionality back into your teeth that may have vanished? Create an improved oral health identity with dentures. If your oral health care requires dentures, remember the following:... read more »